Prevent identity fraud with complete voice deepfake protection

Today’s fraudsters are very sophisticated, with voice deepfake is becoming more and more their weapon of choice. Deepfake fraud attacks increased by 3,000% over the past year.  The damage is huge and no organization is immune – from financial institutions, to telecoms, healthcare, insurance, e-commerce, governments, and more.

Stop voice deepfakes. Prevent fraud. Download our white paper:
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To learn how you can stop these criminals before the damage is done, we invite you to download our latest white paper, in which we cover:

How painfully easy it is for criminals to create voice deepfakes so they can execute fraud and other damaging manipulations.

Why voice deepfake protection is critical for preventing identity fraud.

The importance of voice intelligence with voice-to-face matching  for complete voice deepfake protection.

How Corsound AI can help with a robust and complete approach to anti-deepfake fraud prevention